The culture of Putting People first

If there is one hotel I had longed to stay for quite some time, it must have been the Marriott. I just kind of like the name and looked forward to a time in their facility. That opportunity came in March when I attended the International Maxwell Conference and ever since, I have been in…

Ahead of 2019

It’s so amazing how God has set up structures and systems to get things working in life. We again are expending this year and approaching a new year. 2018 is almost done and 2019 is right in our view. The truth is we can’t stop the structures and systems that God has put in place,…

Do I have enough?

Finally the New Year is getting old. It’s the second month and counting. How are you doing? Now that question does not require our usual mechanical answer of fine. Some will say “it is well” by faith and I agree. But seriously how far gone are you? With your goals, resolution, decision, plans for the…

2018 can be your Best Year Ever

Beloved Life is designed to get better. Everything has been programmed by God to go from one level of glory to another. (2 Cor. 3:18) This new year, without doubt, is no different. It will exceed the previous year in glory. There will be many more opportunities. New things will spring up, new territories will…

Be Intentional – Think

Compliments of the season once again This is the last week of the year and it can be the most important week of the year for you. This I believe because of what Psalm 65:11 says – you crown the year with goodness, and your paths drip with abundance. One of such goodness is when…