Personal Development

It’s so amazing how God has set up structures and systems to get things working in life. We again are expending this year and approaching a new year. 2018 is almost done and 2019 is right in our view.

The truth is we can’t stop the structures and systems that God has put in place, we only have to flow with it to maximize our potentials, take advantage of every opportunity to live the life we all desire.

Fortunately or unfortunately we always find three kinds of people each year.

The Confused: those who don’t know what they want to do with the year ahead.

The frustrated: those who somehow know or have an idea of what they want but for whatever reason don’t get to do it.

The fulfilled: those who know what they want; create a plan and take necessary steps to make it happen.

The kind of person you are does not show at the beginning, it actually is revealed at the end. How you feel by end of 2019 can only become visible when that year ends. But you can predetermine how it will be for you.

Here are my thoughts on what you need to live fulfilled rather than stay confused and frustrated.

Get Awareness:

This is the starting point of all success. Awareness initiates acceptance and that in turn grants you access. Every man is only as good as there level of awareness allows them. Someone said, what you don’t know, you will never be known for.

You need to become aware of

  1. Who you are – You see, there is more to you than the eye can see right now.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made and that’s a fact. You are the image of the living God. For you to live a fulfilled life, you have to gain awareness of you truly are. Gen. 1:26.

  1. What you have – Like it has been rightly said, you are too loaded to fail. You have God, you have you and that’s all you really need to begin. Aside that, you have 365 days each with 24 hours to work with. Convert that to seconds and you will be blown away. 2Cor. 4:7 says, “we have this hidden treasures in earthen vessels”. Look past your performance to you true potential. There is treasure hid inside you.
  2. What you can do – Go from your current performance to your true potential. What you have done is nowhere near what you could have done. Never join others to rate yourself by your performance, let your potential drive you. You can do all things if you allow Christ to strengthen you.

Give Attention:

Whatever you pay attention to usually grow. Mind your business is a very crucial advice at this time. If it’s your business then mind it.

  1. Attend to your personality – Please take care of you. You are your most appreciable asset. Grow you and the other things around you will grow.
  2. Attend to your purpose. Meaningful success is usually purpose driven. All your endeavors at this time should align with your purpose. Life wobbles when things are well aligned on purpose. Make it a purposeful year by living on purpose.
  3. Attend to your people – your greatest asset lies in the people around you. Pay attention to them. Equip them, empower them and deploy them. It’s always best to grow together.

Grow the right atmosphere:

I have always believed that the atmosphere you create determines the attention you command. The condition around you can affect your circumstances. This is why at this season, and at all times, learn to be CALM. A calm mind allows you to think deep and reach far. A chaotic mind on the other hand only scratches the surface and never has a firm grip of what lies ahead. Grow an atmosphere of praise, gratitude, ßa gentle spirit, calm disposition, humble heart and a positive attitude to launch out and reach further for the glory ahead in 2019.

I see you at the top.